Before Justin's death I could only sympathize with someone who had lost a love one. Watching them grieve and trying to identify with their pain in order to be of some comfort along their journey, was a difficult task. Well today, I wish I was still the outsider looking in...
Guilt Is An Ugly Spirit That Comes to Destroy Your Life. Read this spiritual blog that will help you to heal past guilt.
It was about six months after Justin's death. I began to wonder what happened to bring us to this dreaded day. As I pushed through grief, I looked back for answers. I found a string of actions where the results seemed to lead Justin through doors which made things worse in his life. As I pondered over each equally pivotal moment...
I share this early experience of Justin's traumatic head injury (TBI) in case you have a child who has suffered a head injury, whether it was diagnosed or not. A Traumatic Brain Injury is very dangerous and you should always contact the...
Black Champions was written from the thought of what our great leader, Martin Luther King would say if he lived in our world today. What would he think about the media and its promotion of the defamation of character in the Black Community. What would he say to us to warn and encourage us to rise above the many media SNARES today!